
Josh Ritter Aims at Connection on ‘Spectral Lines,’ Coming in April – No Depression

January 31, 2023: 12:22:55 PM, Posted on Education By nodepression

On his new album, “Spectral Lines,” Josh Ritter reaches for things we can’t always see. The album is dedicated to the singer-songwriter’s mother, who passed away in 2021, and its songs explore the idea of connection, both with others and with ourselves.



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Josh Ritter Aims at Connection on ‘Spectral Lines,’ Coming in April – No Depression

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On his new album, “Spectral Lines,” Josh Ritter reaches for things we can’t always see. The album is dedicated to the singer-songwriter’s mother, who passed away in 2021, and its songs explore the idea of connection, both with others and with ourselves.

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Josh Ritter Aims at Connection on ‘Spectral Lines,’ Coming in April – No Depression
On his new album, "Spectral Lines," Josh Ritter reaches for things we can’t always see. The album is dedicated to the singer-songwriter’s mother, who passed . . .
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