
How eBooks are elevating the Indian learning Ecosystem – Pragati Prakashan

March 6, 2023: 08:11:05 AM, Posted on Education By Pragati Prakashan

Printed textbooks have been the backbone of education around the world for centuries. However, the waves of digital transformation that is changing every aspect of our lifestyle makes these traditional books look like obsolete assets. With the next generation of skilled readers who are accustomed to processing data from pocket-sized devices, receiving computer-readable versions of…



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How eBooks are elevating the Indian learning Ecosystem – Pragati Prakashan

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Printed textbooks have been the backbone of education around the world for centuries. However, the waves of digital transformation that is changing every aspect of our lifestyle makes these traditional books look like obsolete assets. With the next generation of skilled readers who are accustomed to processing data from pocket-sized devices, receiving computer-readable versions of…

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How eBooks are elevating the Indian learning Ecosystem – Pragati Prakashan
Printed textbooks have been the backbone of education around the world for centuries. However, the waves of digital transformation that is changing every aspect . . .
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